I have joined a mommy group. A twin mommy group and while I think I click with a few of them, I am reminded over and over again how, even now, with 2 babies, I am still not one of them.
I don't have a career.
I don't have a live in Nanny.
I can't lament about being pregnant.
I don't plan on having more children, even if I wanted more, it's just not an option.
I'm not obsessed with my babies.
I manage to cook supper and clean the house every single day, something no one else seems to do (except those with live in Nannies, their Nanny cooks).
I can't brag about how thin I am because of breastfeeding, I'm fat because of breastfeeding.
I don't have thousands of toys, swings,exersaucers . Matter of fact we have zero swings and exersaucers.
I'm not rich, with all the costs of infertility we are coupon clipping, borrowing movies from the library, making our own wine, buying things on sale kinda family.
I just don't fit.
Maybe it's because they all live in a richer neighbourhood.
Maybe it's because they all experienced pregnancy.
What ever it is, I'm seriously contemplating dropping out of this mommy group, at least until I loose 40 pounds.
I don't feel like I fit in with mommies here, either. That's why I love my bloggy buddies so much. You GET it.
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