As a new mom, I find myself struggling with me.
Caring for my babies is relatively easy. Sure, they are a handful, after all there are two of them, but it's the discovery of who I am that is the most difficult.
Who is this women in the mirror who only wears stretchy pants because nothing else fits?
Somewhere around year three of infertility I lost track of me. My career went on the fritz and never recovered, and the only thing I could concentrate on was having children.
Now that I am finally a mother I feel like I need to start a new journey of self discovery.
What do I want out of life?
Do I want to put the babies in day care and go out and get a job?
Do I want to spend a few years with them, and if I do where will that leave me financially, emotionally, professionally?
This blog, will be my little journal, my little space where I can put it all together.